Why should I pursue my undergraduate (bachelor’s) degree at Koç University?

  • Top-ranked university in Türkiye, listed among the world’s top institutions in the most reputable international university rankings.
  • Faculty members that are internationally renowned with prior teaching experience in Ivy League universities in the USA and top-ranked universities in Europe and Asia and top recipients of research awards in Türkiye and competitive EU grants
  • Participation in high-profile research projects
  • Interdisciplinary research centers and state-of-the-art laboratories
  • Lively campus life, with an abundance of social and cultural activities in a beautifully designed campus in a quiet and safe location on the hills of Sariyer in the cosmopolitan and vibrant city of Istanbul.
  • A dedicated International Community Office which provides the latest information about all the topics relevant to the International Community at Koç University
  • Career counseling from the first year, our Career Development Center is supporting various needs of the counselees, ranging from the choice of field, job, sector, or even organization, to CV and cover letter review and interview preparation.
  • Small class sizes and low student-faculty ratio that offers tailored supervision and a boutique learning experience
  • Wide range of double major, minor, certificate, and track program opportunities
  • Classmates are amongst Türkiye’s most talented and accomplished students

612 full-time faculty95% have doctoral degrees
6800+ students from 80+ countries
225+research laboratories
300 partner universitiesin 64 countries for exchange programs
Englishinstruction in all programs
12.6student faculty ratio
95student clubs
95%employability rate in the first six months after graduation

Offered Programs

Koç University offers 22 undergraduate (bachelor’s) programs across 7 colleges in its main campus and the Koç University Hospital (KUH) in Istanbul.

College of Administrative Sciences and Economics

  • International Relations (BA)
  • Economics (BA)
  • Business Administration (BA)

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College of Engineering

  • Chemical and Biological Engineering (BSc)
  • Computer Engineering (BSc)
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering (BSc)
  • Industrial Engineering (BSc)
  • Mechanical Engineering (BSc)

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College of Sciences

  • Chemistry (BSc)
  • Physics (BSc)
  • Mathematics (BSc)
  • Molecular Biology and Genetics (BSc)

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College of Social Sciences and Humanities

  • Archaeology and History of Art (BA)
  • Comparative Literature (BA)
  • History (BA)
  • Psychology (BA)
  • Philosophy (BA)
  • Sociology (BA)
  • Media and Visual Arts (BA)

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School of Law

  • Law (LLB)

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School of Medicine

  • Medicine (MD)

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School of Nursing

  • Nursing (BSc)

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Explore Your Future

Location: YouTube Duration: 12:27

There is no better way to experience the unique academic environment Koç University offers you than to listen to our faculty. Visit the “Explore Your Future” playlist on our YouTube channel.